
Научные публикации в изданиях, входящих в международные базы SCOPUS и WoS

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2024 год
  1. Bessmertnyi V. S., Zdorenko N. M., Bondarenko M. A., Makarov A. V., Varfolomeeva S. V., Vorontsov V. M., Cherkasov A. V. Facing building material based on potassium-hydroxide modified cullet / Glass and Ceramics – 2024. - Vol. 80, Nos. 11 – 12, March


2023 год
  1. Min’ko N.I., Bessmertny V.S., Zdorenko N.M., Bondarenko M.A., Isaenko E.E., Tarasova E.E., Makarov A.V., Cherkasov A.V. Environmental aspects of cullet usageм in glass-concrete manufacturing / Glass and Ceramics– 2023. – Vol. 80. №. 5-6. –P. 233-240. Q3
  2. Bessmertnyi V.S., Zdorenko N.M., Min’ko N.I., Bondarenko M.A., Vorontsov V.M., Cherkasov A.V., Makarov A.V., Varfolomeeva S.V. Facing building material based on mechanically activated cullet modified with sodium hydroxide / Glass and Ceramics – 2023. – Vol. 80. № 5-6. – P. 195-200. Q3
  3. Бессмертный В.С., Платова Р.А., Платов Ю.Т., Рассулов В.А., Бондаренко М.А., Варфоломеева С.В. Идентификация состава окрашенного синтетического гипса, получаемого в виде отходов при производстве ванадия / Экология и промышленность России. 2023. Т. 27. № 5. С. 28-33. Q4


2022 год
  1. Пучка О.В., Бессмертный В.С., Платов Ю.Т., Сергеев С.В., Здоренко Н.М., Платова Р.А.  Теплоизоляционно-конструкционные стеклокомпозиты с аморфно-кристаллической структурой /  «Материаловедение». 2022. № 5. С. 32-40. Q2
  2. Пучка О. В., Бессмертный В.С.,Платов Ю. Т., Здоренко Н. М., Платова Р. А. Высокоэффективные звукопоглащающие стеклокомпозиты / Материаловедение. 2022. № 11. С. 39-47. Q2
  3. Bessmertnyi V.S., Puchka O.V., Chizhova E.N., Zdorenko N.M., Platov Y.T., Platova R.A. Plasma-chemical synthesis of aluminum and lead silicate glass microspheres / Inorganic Materials: Applied Research. 2022. Т. 13. № 1. С. 106-110. Q4
  4. Chernysheva Е.V. Direction development of the theory of survivability of building structures under sudden project impacts / Scientific-technical journal (STJ FerPI) 2022. V.5. №2. P. 21-27. Q4
  5. Shahova L.D., Chernositova E.S., Schelokova L.S., Uhaneva N.G., Influence of technological additives on the characteristics of cement powders / В сборнике: Digital Technologies in Construction Engineering. Selected Papers. Сер. "Lecture Notes in Civil Engineering" 2022. С. 259-265.. Q4
2020 год
  1. Бессмертный В.С., Пучка О.В., Бондаренко М.А., Горетый В.В.  The glass powders dispersion effect on the glass-reinforced concrete performance properties / Materials and Technologies in Construction and Architecture III Selected peer-reviewed full text papers from the 3rd International Scientific Conference "Construction and Architecture: Theory and Practice of Innovative Development” (CATPID-2020). 2020. С. 85-92.

  2. Бессмертный В.С., Бондаренко Н.И., Бондаренко Д.О., Макаров А.В., Кочурин Д.В., Чуев С.А., Изотова И.А. Energy- and resource-saving technology or obtaining decorative coatings on sheet glass / Glass and Ceramics, Vol. 77, Nos. 3 – 4, July, 2020 (Russian Original, Nos. 3 – 4, March – April, 2020)

  3. Rubanov V.G., Lutsenko O.V., Parashchuk E.M. Computer Experiment on Models of the Dynamics of Mechanical Stresses of Glass Articles with Complex Configuration During Their Firing / Glass and Ceramics. Volum 75, Issue 11-12, 15 March 2019, Pages 419-423.

  4. Serykh I.R., Chernysheva Е.V., Degtyar А.N. Examination of the Safety of the Centrifuge Site of a Sugar Factory in the Belgorod Region in Order to Assess the Technical Condition of Structures. Lecture Notes in Civil Engineering / Innovations and Technologies in Construction Selected Papers of BUILDINTECH BIT 2020 Vol. 95. P. 92–99.

  5. YE Mikhail, SV Shatalova, EA Pospelova, AV Minakova The Raw Materials Genetic Type Effect on the Water-Reducing Additives Effectiveness / Materials Science Forum. Trans Tech Publications. 2020 Ltd. Pages 43-48.
  6. Шахова Л.Д., Щелокова Л.С., Черноситова Е.С., Influence of Clinker Microstructure on Grinding Efficiency in the Presence of Grinding Intensifiers / Журнал: Lecture Notes in Civil Engineering.
  7. Санин С.Н. Пелипенко Н.А. Processing of the large Bandage of cement Kiln by machine Robot / Journal of Machinery Manufacture and Reliability
  8. Valery Stanislavovich Lesovik , Oleg Vladimirovich Puchka, Ruslan Valeryevich Lesovik, Aleksandr Anatolevich Volodchenko , Fisher Hans-Bertram Geonics (geomimetics) as a theoretical approach for designing and production of natural-like heat-insulating structurally and composites with acoustic properties / Journal of southwest jiaotong university
2018 год
  1. Sergei N. Sanin, Nikolai A. Pelipenko Innovative Technology of large-size Products Manufacture/ Journal of mining Institute. ‒ 2018, V.230. P. 185 ‒ 189. DOI: 10.25515/PMI.2018.2.185


2017 год
  1. Afanasjev A.A. Conceptual Approaches to Overcoming Turbulence in the Innovative Development of Russian Industrial Enterprises/ International Journal of Applied Business and Economic Research/ Volume 15, Number 13, 2017. – P/ 223 – 230. ISSN: 0972-7302. URL: http:

  2. Черноситова Е.С., Шахова Л.Д., Денисова Ю.В. Flowability and durability of cement containing technological additives during grinding process/ AER-Advances in Engineering Research vol. 133 AIME 2017  November.

  3. Черноситова Е.С., Шахова Л.Д., Денисова Ю.В.Materials Science and Engineering/ The fluidity of cement.

  4. Афанасьев А.А., Погонин А.А. Advances in Engineering Research, volume 133, Actual Issues of Mechanical Engineering (AIME 2017), Number, 2017 . P/ 14-18, ISSN 978-94-6252-406-4 URL: 25885135/  Improvement of thermal processing during product manufacture at small enterprises. 


2016 год
  1. Лещев С.И., Лесовик Р.В., Агеева М.С., Карацупа С.В. Анализ влияния добавки цеолитсодержащего трепела на микроструктурные характеристики матрицы композиционных вяжущих. /Региональная архитектура и строительство №3,2016г., С.14-20

  2. Афанасьев А.А., Глаголев С.Н., Санин С.Н. Technological properties of diffusion boride coatings for steel/ International Journal of  Pharmacy & Technology, Vol. 8,  Sep – 2016; Issue No.3; 18159-18186.


2015 год
  1. Степанов А.М., Митякина Н.А., Стрекозова Л.В. Новые подходы к созданию систем менеджмента качества.

  2. Пучка О.В., Лесовик В.С., Вайсера С.С. Снижение энергоемкости производства теплоизоляционных материалов.


2014 год
  1. Theoretical Basis of the Principle of Roundness Ensuring Under Centreless Machining of Large Capacity Parts / N. A. Pelipenko, S.N. Sanin, T.A. Dujun, A. A. Pikalova, A. A. Gunkin // Research Journal of Pharmaceutical, Biological and Chemical Sciences. 2014. № 5(5). P. 17.
  2. Nikolay Andreevich Pelipenko, Sergey Nikolaevich Sanin, Alexandr Alexandrovich Afanasjev, Tatjana Alexandrovna Dujun and Andrey Alexandrovich Gunkin, 2014. Introduction to Theory of Transverse Centerless Grinding of Large Cylindrical Surfaces. Research Journal of Applied Sciences, 9: 696-699.
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